Sunday, January 10, 2010

Contraceptive Pill Without Prescription Contraceptive Pill - Is It Okay Without OB Prescription?

Contraceptive pill - Is it okay without OB prescription? - contraceptive pill without prescription

I do not have cardiovascular disease, diabetes, HEPA and other diseases that worsen if I could go on the pill Contarceptive. So I take it okayfor with no prescription OB? What is the good brand? When should I take? Thank you!


wxwoman said...

If you do not pay a bill, go to the health department. do not buy on the Internet, you do not know what U get.

wxwoman said...

If you do not pay a bill, go to the health department. do not buy on the Internet, you do not know what U get.

ILuvsnow said...

I do not think you can get the pill without prescription. You really need to be examined by a doctor before taking any medication. There are strengths and different kinds of pills and the doctor is able to access the best job for you.
At any time of day you take the time to a time that can keep you up and take the same time each day.

JM said...

the only way to get the birth control regulations, or go to family planning, but also require a medical examination or consultation. You should not take the drugs without the consent of a doctor.

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