Monday, December 14, 2009

Raquel Darrian Photo Atheists, Can You Really Look At Jenna Jameson And Raquel Darrian And Say There Is No God?

Atheists, can you really look at Jenna Jameson and Raquel Darrian and say there is no God? - raquel darrian photo

Have you seen Jenna Jameson recently?

It is lowest in the mysterious Valley of Burger King.

Unfortunately, she is living proof that there is no God.

And Raquel Darrian? I have not heard that name in twenty years. His collection of child pornography is almost as old as mine.


Gembird said...

Eurgh, yes, porn stars, if nothing makes me more likely to say. Besides, you know, I'm just so that you are not likely to find these two attractive anyway.

darwinsfriend3 AM said...

Only if God is plastic surgery.
Give me a natural woman every day

darwinsfriend3 AM said...

Only if God is plastic surgery.
Give me a natural woman every day

ol' dirty bingo caller! said...

Have you ever ugly bitches?

Obviously there is no God.

Ideacide said...

Can you look and say no plastic surgeon with a knife?

ManWell KMA said...

What about Ron Jeremy?

ManWell KMA said...

What about Ron Jeremy?

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