Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Palsy More Condition_symptoms Is It Normal For A Baby With Cerebral Palsy To Sleep More Than Other Babies?

Is it normal for a baby with cerebral palsy to sleep more than other babies? - palsy more condition_symptoms

My son was 8 months (it was four months) and still wakes up sleeping for an hour and an hour and so on. I think it's had more than my other children. His age is adjusted almost 5 months. Help?


cardboard cowboy said...

Vector cerebral palsy should never disturb your sleep. But on corrected age would be their sleeping habits are still regarded as normal. Probably just a coincidence that, unlike other sleep happens.

Children who have some kind of developmental delay or mental retardation, and PC will sleep habits, sometimes immature, but the sleeping habits of your child are still compatible with many babies aged 4-5 months.

Emillea said...

Is that your son is diagnosed with cerebral palsy was born? Diagnosed I just wonder, because I thought Celebral was paralyzed after the child was one year. It is normal for almost five months, which was still sleeping a lot. It was small and needs to grow to sleep. It takes some time to catch up.

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