Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2005 Rose Bowl Highlights Dpool2002 What Team Would You Have Rather Had Play USC In The Rose Bowl?

What team would you have rather had play USC in the Rose Bowl? - 2005 rose bowl highlights dpool2002

Name of each team and why they play

I choose Texas, 2005 Rose Bowl Pre-Game


redman65... said...

Texas was a better game.

Andy H said...

Texas, Oklahoma, or Florida. I want to see one of these disputes. Can you say "playoff system! Pete Carroll to fight love. Would you see what was the No. 1 defense against the # 9, # 3 and # 17 hardware do crime! Or a crime against USC # 12 # 49, # 63 or # 8-Defense!

me said...

Prefer not get to play USC in the Rose Bowl is very easy to win a home game, is not really fair play USC in a neutral light never a great team until they prove they can win on the road, you can not

Chucky the Answer Man :D said...

Utah. It would be a better game than that was ...
In any event, it would not deceive the Big10 tie into pac10 = p

Kimberli... said...

I agree with the choice of Texas ...... except that I was not sorry to see the 2006 Rose Bowl repeat ..... that was a great game! Reggie Bush Vince Young .... ..... oh yeah!

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